Saturday, December 24, 2016

Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, Volume 1

Quoted from, and annotated with links to JSTOR (since 25 out of 29 were published in Biometrika). I've noted those outside of the Studies in italic, and those I have been unable to find in bold.


Edited by E S Pearson and M G Kendall (QUARTO S 0.9 STU)


  1. Dicing and gaming by F N David
  2. The beginnings of probability calculus by M G Kendall
  3. A Note on playing cards by M G Kendall
  4. The Book of Fate by M G Kendall
  5. Random mechanisms in Talmudic literature by A M Hasofer
  6. Where shall the history of statistics begin? by M G Kendall
  7. Medical statistics from Graunt to Farr by M Greenwood
  8. The principle of the arithmetic mean by R L Plackett
  9. A note on the early solutions of the problem of the duration of play by A R Thatcher
  10. An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine of chances by T Bayes (with a biographical note by G A Barnard)
  11. The most probable choice between several discrepant observations and the formulation therefrom of the most likely induction by D Bernoulli (with observations by L Euler and an introductory note by M G Kendall)
  12. A note on the history of the graphical presentation of data by E Royston
  13. Thomas Young on coincidences by M G Kendall
  14. Notes on the history of correlation by Karl Pearson
  15. The historical development of the Gauss linear model by H L Seal
  16. On the early history of the law of large numbers by O B Sheynin
  17. A note on the early statistical study of literary style by C B Williams
  18. De Morgan and the statistical study of literary style by R D Lord
  19. Isaac Todhunter's History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability by M G Kendall
  20. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, 1845-1926 by M G Kendall
  21. Walter Frank Raphael Weldon, 1860-1926 by Karl Pearson
  22. Some incidents in the early history of biometry and statistics 1890-94 by E S Pearson
  23. Some reflexions on continuity in the development of mathematical statistics, 1885-1920 by E S Pearson
  24. William Sealy Gosset, 1876-1937
    (1) "Student" as a man by L McMullen
    (2) "Student" as a statistician by E S Pearson
  25. Some early correspondence between W S Gosset, R A Fisher and Karl Pearson with notes and comments by E S Pearson
  26. George Udny Yule, 1871-1951 by M G Kendall
  27. Karl Pearson 1857 (1957). A centenary lecture delivered at University College London by J B S Haldane
  28. Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 1890-1962 by M G Kendall
  29. The Neyman-Pearson story: 1926-1934. Historical sidelights on an episode in Anglo-Polish collaboration


The two collections Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, edited by E S Pearson and M G Kendall, Griffin 1970 and Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, Volume II, edited by M G Kendall and R L Plackett, Griffin 1977, contain all of numbers I to XXXII of the occasional series Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability. There are in fact two diferent papers numbered XXI, one by O B Sheynin and the other by M G Kendall; however, the latter, hereafter denoted XXI bis is unique in that it first appeared in Rev. Int. Stat. Inst. rather than in Biometrika, which is where all the other papers first appeared.

Numbers I to XXI appear in the first volume as papers with the following Arabic numbers:
I - 1; II - 2; III - 12; IV - 17; V - 3; VI - 9; VII - 8; VIII - 18; IX - 10; X - 6; XI - 11; XII - 4; XIII - 19; XIV - 22; XV - 15; XVI - 5; XVII - 23; XVIII - 13; XIX - 20; XX - 25; XXI - 16.