Saturday, January 26, 2019

Biographical information on Carl Friedrich Gauss (in English)

There aren't that many biographies of Gauss in English (there are more in German); Gauss was less colorful and less public than Euler, so there is less for a non-mathematical historian to work with. By contrast, the MAA edition of Dunnington includes many references to the literature (up to 2004) in the history of mathematics, statistics and physics on studies of Gauss' research corpus. (See the MacTutor archive page on Gauss for an online list of references.)
  • monographs (from primary sources)
    • Dunnington, Gauss: Titan of Science. MAA, 2004, 0883855380. 
      • (Reprint edition of 1955 book, with critical commentary and an annotated bibliography.)
  • biographies (from secondary sources)
    • academic readers
      • Buhler, Gauss: A Biographical Study. Springer-Verlag, 1981, 3540106626.
      • Hall, Carl Friedrich Gauss: A Biography. MIT Press, 1970, 0262080400.
    • general readers
      • Schaaf, Carl Friedrich Gauss: Prince of Mathematicians. Franklin Watts, 1964,
    • youth readers (semi-fictionalized)
      • Tent, The Prince of Mathematics: Carl Friedrich Gauss. AK Peters, 2006, 1568812612.
  • memoires
    • von Waltershausen, Carl Friedrich Gauss: A Memorial. []