Saturday, December 24, 2016

Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, Volume 2

Quoted from, and annotated with links. As with Volume 1, most are now online; again, I've noted those outside of the Studies in italic, and those I have been unable to find in bold.



Edited by M G Kendall and R L Plackett (QUARTO S 0.9 STU)


  1. On the possible and probable in Ancient Greece by S Sambursky
  2. Probability in the Talmud by N L Rabinovitch
  3. Combinations and probabilities in rabbinic literature by N L Rabinovitch
  4. A Budget of paradoxes by H L Seal
  5. An argument for Divine Providence, taken from the constant regularity observ'd in the births of both sexes by J Arbuthnot
  6. Measurement in the study of society by M G Kendall [book]
  7. The early history of index numbers by M G Kendall
  8. Abraham De Moivre's 1733 derivation of the normal curve: a bibliographical note by R S Daw and E S Pearson
  9. The historical development of the use of generating functions in probability theory by H L Seal
  10. Boscovich and the combination of observations by C Eisenhart [book]
  11. Daniel Bernoulli on the normal law by O B Sheynin
  12. D Bernoulli's work on probability by O B Sheynin
  13. Progress in the middle of the eighteenth century. Süssmilch and his contemporaries. Estimates and enumerations of population. Progress of theory at the close of the eighteenth century by H Westergaard. [book]
  14. Leading British statisticians of the nineteenth century by P J FitzPatrick
  15. Notes on the history of quantification in sociology trends, sources and problems by P F Lazarsfeld
  16. Laplace, Fisher, and the discovery of the concept of sufficiency by S M Stigler
  17. The discovery of the method of least squares by R L Plackett
  18. Development of the notion of statistical dependence by H O Lancaster
  19. Florence Nightingale as statistician by E W Kopf
  20. On the history of some statistical laws of distribution by O B Sheynin
  21. The work of Ernst Abbe by M G Kendall
  22. Entropy, probability and information by M G Kendall
  23. A history of random processes. I. Brownian motion from Brown to Perrin by S G Brush
  24. Branching processes since 1873 by D G Kendall
  25. The simple branching process, a turing point test and a fundamental inequality: a historical note on I.J. Bienaymé by C C Heyde and E Seneta
  26. Simon Newcomb, Percy Daniell, and the history of robust estimation 1885-1920 by S M Stigler
  27. The hypothesis of elementary errors and the Scandinavian school in statistical theory by C-E Särndal
  28. On the history of certain expansions used in mathematical statistics by H Cramér
  29. Historical survey of the development of sampling theories and practice by You Poh Seng
  30. Sir Arthur Lyon Bowley (1869-1957) by W F Maunder
  31. Note on the history of sampling methods in Russia by S S Zarkovic
  32. A supplement to ``Note on the history of sampling methods in Russia'' by S S Zarkovic.


The two collections Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, edited by E S Pearson and M G Kendall, Griffin 1970 and Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability, Volume II, edited by M G Kendall and R L Plackett, Griffin 1977, contain all of numbers I to XXXII of the occasional series Studies in the History of Statistics and Probability. There are in fact two diferent papers numbered XXI, one by O B Sheynin and the other by M G Kendall; however, the latter, hereafter denoted XXI bis is unique in that it first appeared in Rev. Int. Stat. Inst. rather than in Biometrika, which is where all the other papers first appeared.


Numbers XXI bis and XXII to XXXII appear in Volume II as papers with the following Arabic numbers:
XXI bis - 7; XXII - 2; XXIII - 11; XXIV - 3; XXV - 20; XXVI - 21; XXVII - 27; XXVIII - 28; XXIX - 17; XXX - 8; XXXI - 25; XXXII - 16.